The stages of psoriasis (initial, advanced): photo, how it looks, how to treat it

A chronic illness that lasts for a long time, sometimes for years - the almost complete disappearance of pathological signs can be replaced by a period of relapse, and then the body floats again. redness. These are the characteristic symptoms of psoriasis. It is necessary to know everything about the disease, including how psoriasis looks in its early stages, as the detection and treatment of the disease quickly depends on it.

image of early stage psoriasis

The cause of the disease

The main factors in the development of the disease are a genetic predisposition from parents and close relatives, and a weakened immune system, unable to cope with its functions.

This is a non-contagious skin lesion, so don't be afraid to become infected by close contact with an infected person. Another thing is when the illness causes discomfort, pain and itching accompanied by scratching. Through microscopic wounds and epidermal damage, any infection quickly enters the bloodstream and a person becomes infected.

In medicine, many of the known causes can lead to the disease:

  • Pathologies of the endocrine organs, which entail hormonal changes;
  • Frequent tensions, intense experiences and shocks lead to similar disturbances;
  • Inappropriate food, lack of nutrients, minerals and vitamins can cause psoriasis;
  • Low immunity, weakened by bad habits, lack of vitamin D3 and silicon, neurological shock, frequent colds and hypothermia;
  • Unfavorable living and climatic conditions;
  • Violation of metabolic processes, in particular, in the layers of the skin, due to exactly what it causes the effect of the disease in the form of an itchy rash.

Oral medications can also lead to defects, and if they are long-acting and strong, the body's immune response to allergens may be an aggravating factor. And, of course, the onset of psoriasis is often associated with previous infections that are not completely cured or have serious complications.

The defeat of this disease is of a local and general nature, as the human body represents a continuous crust of combined sores. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the stages of psoriasis, as they differ in progress and symptoms.

Types of diseases according to the nature of the course

The disease develops in cycles - these are the gradual and progressive changes of typical symptoms.

manifestation of the first stage of psoriasis on the skin

There are three main stages:

  • Progressive psoriasisAre the two main stages. During the first period, the characteristic rash develops positively, causing the patient to feel uncomfortable burning, intense pain, itching. As a result, normal appetite, interrupted sleep, a person at this time prone to irritability, depression, nervousness. The second stage is remission, restores the normal shape and state of the epidermis, the pigment spots remain in the place of the scaly patches, slightly darker than the normal skin color. Progressive stage is a typical clinical picture of a chronic disease. In the absence of treatment, the short and very rapid rehabilitation time may relapse exacerbations of the pathology;
  • Static stage of psoriasis- This is a stable condition of the patient, when symptoms do not go away but new papules do not appear. At the same time, the development of existing spots, actively begins to peel off, temporarily stops. The patient cherishes the hope that after peeling off, the raised red patches on the skin will heal and go away, but this doesn't happen - after one horny layer appears, another emerges and so on. Continuity appears. At least when the psoriasis stops, the patient does not feel itchy discomfort, leading to scratching and insomnia;
  • The final stage- recession period. Over time, the plaque secretory scabs gradually decrease, the sores heal, between them appear clean epidermal areas, until the rash completely disappears, leaving only the remaining pigment in the areas. pain.

Psoriasis has a long course. In some patients, complications most often occur in winter and fall, in others, the sun's rays affect the deterioration of the condition, however, there is a variant of the exacerbation of the left. season, when a relapse can happen at any time of the year. In general, there are some cases that progress during the year.

To understand how psoriasis begins, it is necessary to consider its main symptoms.

First stage: characteristic manifestation

Pathologies almost always happen suddenly, for no apparent reason, although, of course, they exist. Motivation can be a cold, stress at work, mild food poisoning or an allergic reaction.

Many people are concerned with how psoriasis appears, because at first, a person may mistake small red spots scattered in different parts of the body for an allergic rash. And if the manifestation of pustules is present on the epidermis, small pus bubbles appear, which is easy to confuse with urticaria. Furthermore, in some cases, the early stage is accompanied by itching. Therefore, the question of whether itchy psoriasis at an early stage has this type of skin lesion can be answered positively.

The main component of the rash is a flat, slightly raised, pink or red nodule; This inflammation has a superficial layer on which there are small, dry, scaly patches of keratin. A detailed examination shows that the horny layer is initially located in the center of the inflammatory center, then develops on the entire surface of the plaque.

psoriatic patches on the skin

The location of the rash is varied - these are the inner and outer folds of the knee joint, elbow joints, the entire surface of the lower and upper extremities, hands, palms and soles of the feet, groin, buttocks, back, chest. Elements of the rash tend to appear on the rash and behind them, covering the skin on the head under the hair, appearing on any part of the face and sometimes on the genitals, especiallyin men.

The rash factors that are scattered all over the body become overgrown with gray scabs after just two or three days. In medicine, this is called a form of disease.

Thereafter, the development of new sores continues, which can then bind and fuse into solid regions. The feature of the pathology is that papules may also appear at the site of bruises, other lesions, if the disease begins to progress.

If the manifestation of the first episode of inflammation is usually not accompanied by itching, progressing, becoming painful, the patient should be treated with topical hormonal drugs.

When psoriasis develops, it can lead to serious mental and physical distress.

Developed plaque interferes with walking, sitting, and performing simple human actions. In addition, patients suffering from this disease are susceptible to severe mental and neurological diseases.

Some forms of damage to blood vessels, nerve ends, joints, and psoriasis can damage bone tissue. Without treatment, a person may be disabled, so you should see a doctor in case there are early symptoms of the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before conducting laboratory and instrumental examinations, the physician is faced with the task of collecting a complete description of the patient's complaints, studying the cause of the disease, and tracing the relationship. Heredity with the onset of pathology.

To identify the disease, it is necessary to test certain functions. If there are three main factors (trio of psoriasis), characterized by the presence of a stearin spot, a pink layer of cells and bleeding due to vascular damage, an accurate diagnosis can be made.

itchy skin in the early stages of psoriasis

In the future, procedures like:

  • Biopsy of affected skin tissue samples;
  • Culture of bacteria to confirm infection at the focal point of inflammation;
  • Clinical blood test for leukocyte levels;
  • Immunoassay for allergic predisposition;
  • X-ray, ultrasound, determine the state of internal organs, joint cavity, bone;
  • Differential diagnosis helps rule out diseases such as syphilis, seborrheic eczema, lichen, rheumatism and other disorders with similar symptoms.

In most cases, it is not possible to permanently eliminate the pathology, but earlier treatment can help reduce the number and quality of relapses, up to long periods of regression.

Complex treatment offers:

  • Conservative treatment with steroid and nonsteroidal drugs, psychotropic drugs alleviate the patient's depression;
  • In addition, the fund is prescribed to reduce the allergic response of the immune system, allowing you to eliminate edema, itching and reduce the progression of the inflammatory process;
  • Hormonal drugs are prescribed to inhibit inflammation and relieve pain in severe forms;
  • If not, the patient must take vitamin products that increase the body's defenses;
  • Topical ointments and creams for relieving the patient's health are based on medicinal, and sometimes hormonal, treatment.

People with chronic dermatological diseases need to have a healthy lifestyle, give up an inappropriate diet, and carry out daily water therapy to avoid complications of the disease. And of course, for successful rehabilitation, you need to see your doctor as soon as possible.